Singapore Cuisine

A taste of Singapore’s special snacks

Singapore’s food culture is as diverse as its ethnicity. Apart from staples such as Hainanese chicken rice, laksa, coconut rice and curry fish head, Siu Po Island also has a variety of snacks such as Nyonya cake, Luo ya, little gold cup and computational plate. Let’s heal our taste buds and be a “true” island tourist.

Red turtle kueh is also known as red turtle cake, turtle cake printing, etc., its appearance is generally red, pressed with turtle printing, flat shape, wrapped with bean paste, sesame, peanut and other fillings, placed on the banana leaf steamed. Red Turtle kueh can be found at many hawker centres or malls in Singapore for a bargain price, and now comes in a host of other colours and flavours.

In addition to red turtle kueh, Singapore also has other different kinds of kueh, such as water kueh, bamboo shoot kueh, taro kueh, leek kueh, etc. They are also made of glutinous rice, with bamboo shoots, leeks, taro, dried radish and other fillings wrapped inside. These traditional snacks are mostly from Teochew.

There are many kinds of Nyonya cakes and they sell well together. A blend of Chinese and Malay culinary cultures, they are delicious snacks carefully developed in the kitchen by the Nyonya (descendants of Chinese and Southeast Asian indigenous women, known as “Nongba” for men and “Nyonya” for women), and have now moved beyond that particular group to become one of Singapore’s national cuisines.

Nyonya cake commonly used materials include glutinous rice, multicolored leaves, coconut milk, butterfly bean flowers, banana leaves, sweet potato powder, white sugar and so on. The appearance is rainbow color, looks like jelly, eat to the mouth soft waxy waxy, very sweet.

The types of Nyonya cake include nine layer cake, thousand layer cake, Nyonya Double layer glutinous rice cake, shredded coconut glutinous rice cake, coconut sugar ball, orchid glutinous rice cake, and Pandan shredded coconut roll. Most of these pastries can be found in Fujian, Guangdong and other regional cuisines, but at the same time, the rich fragrance of coconut and the rare colorful leaves, butterfly bean flowers, etc. prove the innovation of these pastries. The nine-layer cake is the classic Nyonya cake, can be peeled layer eating oh!


Roja, which means “mixed” in Malay, doesn’t look as good as the nionya cake, but it’s also an example of Singapore’s diverse culinary culture. It is also commonly seen in Malaysia and Indonesia. It is a mixture of fruits and vegetables, such as cucumber, pineapple, sand arroso, lotus mist, green mango, churros, etc. It is embellished with crushed peanuts and its soul is the sauce formed by shrimp paste, palm sugar and chili.

This kind of food is very popular in the local, but it has a rich taste and spicy sauce. Although a lot of fruits and vegetables are added, Xiaobian also thinks it is greasy and should not be eaten more, but curious friends can still try it!

Ice cream sandwich

Ice cream sandwich is a sweet food that we often see on the street. Besides Singapore, it is also found in Europe, North America, Southeast Asia and other places. The ice cream is cut into bricks, but because it melts and falls off the ice cream stick easily, this special ice cream sandwich became popular when people used rainbow bread slices or double wafers to catch it more easily.

The ice cream sandwiches, which come in various flavors such as vanilla, red bean, durian and chocolate, are often sold by aunts and uncles in carts in nearby areas such as the Buffalo River and the Asian Civilization Museum.


Oda is also commonly considered to be nonya dish, but it is listed separately by Xiaobian because it is different from the previous Nonya cake. Unlike many of the previous sweets, Oda is a spicy specialty snack. The common practice is to grind fish, coconut milk, pepper, citronella leaves, ginger and other materials to marinate, wrapped in banana leaves, tied with toothpicks, and finally baked on the carbon fire, very suitable for the taste of the key son friends with coconut rice, laksa and other edible together.

Small gold cup

The small gold cup, sometimes called flower basket cake, is another representative Nyonya snack and the most recommended feature of Xiaobian. In the process of production, flour, egg and water are first glued to the flower basket like mold, and then fried in the oil pan until crisp. Finally, green vegetables fried with shredded radish and turnip can be added, decorated with coriander and shrimp, and coated with sauce. When eaten, they will be crisp and refreshing.


Satay is a local barbecue specialty. There is much debate about its origin, but most agree that it is a traditional Malay dish, which originally involves marinated beef, lamb or chicken and grilled over a charcoal fire. However, it is now popular with the Chinese as well, with the addition of pork skewers. Featuring a satay sauce made with peanuts, coconut and shrimp and served with refreshing Onions and cucumbers, the dish is rich and hearty, and is a common snack in Singapore hawker centres.

Oyster cake

Oyster cake, also known as oyster cake, was originally a special snack in coastal areas such as Fujian, and has become a favorite food in Singapore as well. Oyster cake, as its name implies, was made of oyster, mixed with rice flour, soybean flour, scallion, seaweed, cabbage and pepper, and deep-fried until both sides were golden, crisp on the outside and tender on the inside.


The pancakes are usually made with a thin sheet of dough coated with sweet hoisin sauce, shredded cucumbers, bean sprouts, peanuts, lettuce, radish strips, eggs, etc., and finally made into balls and cut into segments. The chewy texture of the dough is combined with the crunchy texture of the crushed peanuts, but the dish is also on the sweet side!

Count plates

Calculation plate is a Hakka snack, usually by rubbing taro and flour into crystal clear calculation plate shape, and then fried with eggs, green onion, mushroom, minced meat. Because the calculation plate looks round, tastes soft and waxy, and the abacus symbolizes wealth and treasure, it is very popular among Chinese people, especially the Hakka people.

Pork breast

Meat jerky is mainly pork, but also chicken and beef. Usually, pork, chicken and beef are cut into thin slices and marinated with condiments such as fish sauce and sugar, and then roasted with carbon fire until crispy. The tender and chewy pork jerky is the favorite of customers. At present, the famous pork breast shops in Singapore include Mei Zhen Xiang, Lin Zhiyuan, Jin Chi and Xiang Xiang, etc. The chain stores of Mei Zhen Xiang have opened in China, and Lin Zhiyuan store often has a long queue when the Chinese New Year Festival is approaching. Jerky is also a special snack for people to eat, interested partners can go “foraging”!

These are some of the best Singapore snacks you can find at hawker centres. Of course, in addition to the above, Singapore also has some other delicious snacks, such as oyster omelette, radish cake, stuffed tofu, bean curd and so on. There is no more space than this. If you want to know anything, please leave a comment below!


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