Thai Cuisine

Haile City, Thailand — Delicious, these 5 signature Thai food must not be missed!

Thailand, a veritable food paradise. The four major Thai cuisines (Northern Thai, Northeastern Thai, Thai-Chinese and Southern Thai) are developed, and there are numerous signature cuisines. While retaining the traditional Southeast Asian food habits, the cuisine techniques of many countries, including India, China and the West, are skillfully integrated into the cuisine. The unexpected cooking methods bring unique delicious dishes to your taste buds.

Located in the extended line of Bangsheng Beach, Thailand Sea Lok City also inherits the essence of Thai cuisine to create a unique Thai style restaurant for the owners. Restaurant invited star chef, will serve you Western-style, Thai classic food. Among them, the unique Thai flavor of the five major signature Thai cuisine, a second to wake up your long-experienced stomach!

Tom Yum Goong Soup is a typical Thai dish. It is one of the top 10 soups in the world and is known as the “national soup” of Thailand.

In the soup’s name, “Dong Yin” means hot and sour, and “Gong” means shrimp, which translates to hot and sour shrimp soup. Tom Yum Goong soup is to put the auxiliary materials in the bucket until the flavor, and then add the big head shrimp, fish sauce, straw mushroom, coconut water and other braised together, sour taste delicious appetizer. The soup is all red in color, delicious and spicy!

Tom yum Gong soup has a very good health effect, often drink Tom Yum Gong soup, can be appetizing and digestive, at the same time has a good health effect on the respiratory system, blood circulation and heart, can improve human immunity. It also has the effect of nourishing qi and blood for women.

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Can be said to be Thailand travel table table must point, recommend.

Thai herb fried chicken, one of the classics of Thai cuisine, is cooked and then fried with the best drumsticks and Southeast Asian seasoning. Its aroma is tangy, color attractive. The right way to taste it is to eat it while it is still hot, and when you bite into it, you immediately feel the crispy skin cracking in your mouth, and then you bite into it again and you have tender, juicy chicken. The wonderful mix of crispy and tender taste, let you immediately “fly in Thailand”, a plate is not enough!

Different from fried chicken eaten in China, Thai herb fried chicken is seasoned with herbs, a special Thai seasoning. And it comes in two flavors: fried mint leaves, which are crunchy; The other is “Gold for Nothing”, which is one of the herbs in the Rolle series. In Thai restaurants, it is common to see gold Buchang-fried food, which will have a strong flavor when added.

In addition, Kanokwan sweet and spicy sauce, a specialty of Thailand, is a Southeast Asian color for the fried chicken. Regular ketchup can be cloying to eat, but the mild spiciness of the sweet and spicy sauce neutralises the sweetness, allowing the salty flavor of the fried chicken to come out all the better.

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The best Gospel for people with a weak stomach, the exclusive antidote to meat.

Crab is the most beloved delicacy of many people. Steamed crab and spicy crab are usually the most popular dishes in China. But Thailand, a country with a penchant for sweet and sour, has come up with its own unique twist – crab fried in curry.

According to Thai folklore, in the past, Thai people fried crab using only celery, scallions and Onions. Later, when a Thai chef was secretly drunk at work, he mistakenly put curry powder into the crab instead of pepper powder. However, the waiter hurriedly handed the dish to the diners, who found it delicious after eating. A few days later, the diners came back and asked to enjoy the dish again. The chef had no choice but to go ahead and add curry powder to the fried crab and then serve it to the diners. The Thai curry crab became popular.

The Thai curry itself is spicy and sweet, and the spicy flavor of the curry is combined with the freshness of the crab, which is smooth, color, flavor and mouthwatering. Today, Thai curry fried crab has become a famous dish in Thailand. With its fat crab meat and rich curry flavor, it is deeply loved by Thai people and tourists around the world. In 2016, it was selected as the first of the world’s top ten curry dishes by the World Cuisine Association!

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A feast for seafood lovers, a pilgrimage for curry owners.

When it comes to salmon, you can think of more than 10 different ways to smoke, fry, bake and grill it. Having a complete book of how to eat salmon is a basic requirement for salmon lovers. As a popular seafood destination, Thailand also needs salmon.

Salmon Thai cuisine, the use of fresh, firm salmon, with Thai spices, or spicy curry, create a delicious combination of Thai salmon.

In addition, Thailand Sea Lok City restaurant also introduced the fried salmon, evenly coated with salt and black pepper into the pan, each side of the salmon fry for one minute, until the medium cooked, this degree of fried salmon not only cooked outside tender, but also can maintain the best nutrition, the skin is also very crispy and fragrant, children must like ~

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Refresh the sashimi enthusiast’s definition of fresh to make healthy and delicious high frequency.

Compared with Chinese egg fried rice, Thai fried rice is indispensable in addition to the standard egg, seafood, squid, scallop, prawns… The rice is fried with a yellow, grainy feel, and the rice is studded with various seafood. With so many real ingredients, just one seafood fried rice can make people taste a “seafood feast”.

Thai seafood fried rice has the effect of lowering blood fat, improving blood circulation, improving brain and brain, delaying aging and so on. It is also a very good staple food for the elderly and children.

Food review

Recommended rating: ★★★★★

If you eat meat instead of meals, you lose half your nutrition. Thai seafood fried rice, the ceiling of fried rice.

In addition to the 5 signature Thai food, the Thai Sea Lok City specialty restaurant is also equipped with corresponding western dishes, you can enjoy the romantic coastal scenery, while tasting the special food, to have a peak battle of western Thai food.


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