Korean Cuisine

Cooking is very simple, teach you to make the best Korean food!

What’s for dinner today? Let me help you choose!

Match your “Three meals a Day”

Rib soup is nutritious in this way

Main ingredients: white radish, spareribs, ginger slices, star anise, green onion.


1. Cut the radish into slices about three centimeters thick;

2 spareribs flying water, that is, into the boiling water slightly boiled, and then washed with cold water, in order to remove oil to blood water;

3. Fill the stockpot with water, put the ribs into the pot with cold water, add ginger slices, star anise, spring onion and a little cooking wine, and cook in the pressure cooker for 20 minutes;

4. Pour into the soup pot, remove the foam, put radish;

5. After another 20 minutes, add salt.

Red bean paste in syrup


1. Wash the beans first and take special care to remove the sand, otherwise, it will not be good to eat the sand;

2. Boil the appropriate amount of water first, and then put the beans in, first high heat for 10 minutes, then switch to medium heat for 30 minutes, and finally with low heat for 10 minutes;

3. The key to cooking red bean paste or mung bean paste well is to cook it over medium heat, stirring it in one direction from time to time with chopsticks.

Tofu in private house sauce


1. Fried tofu golden brown on both sides, mushroom bubble soft and ham, onion, green pepper, carrot dice;

2. Keep the bottom of the pan oil, a spoonful of tomato sauce and a spoonful of oyster sauce, put mushrooms, ham and carrot diced fry;

3. Add salt and black pepper to water and boil. Add tofu and boil until tofu tastes.

4. Tofu sheng out, the rest of the soup sauce thicken, put green pepper stir-fry raw, chicken essence sesame oil, pour on the tofu.

Secret gold sand wing


1. Wash the chicken wings, use a knife to cut a few holes on both sides, add salt, cooking wine, light soy sauce, a small amount of dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, sprinkle with ginger slice mix well, marinate for 3 hours;

2. Pour oil into the wok, put the chicken wings, slowly fry until the two sides are golden;

3. In a clean wok, put the pomelo paste in a little water and bring to a boil.

4. Add the fried chicken wings, stir fry, let the sauce coated chicken wings;

5. Sprinkle a handful of cooked sesame seeds and serve.

Steamed Spare Ribs in Black Bean Sauce


1. Wash the ribs, cut them into small pieces, drain them, mix them with a small spoon of cooking wine and a little shredded ginger and marinate them for 5 minutes;

2. Add a spoonful of flavored black bean paste and mix well;

3. Add a tablespoon of oyster sauce and mix thoroughly.

4. Put a small spoon of dry starch, mix well, let the starch on the surface of the ribs lightly coated;

5. After all the seasoning and ribs are mixed well, put a teaspoon of chopped pepper on top;

6. Put it into a wok, heat it up, boil the water and steam it for about 15 minutes.

Braised spareribs with sauce

Ingredients: Spareribs 300g;

Accessories: light soy sauce, rock sugar, dark soy sauce, garlic, cooking wine, very fresh taste, salt, starch, Pixian bean paste, pepper, ginger, dried chili


1. Prepare fresh ribs;

2. Add cool water to a pot. Put the ribs into the pot, do not need to cover the pot to boil; Pork rib pen odor fully volatilized. Cold water is easier to boil the blood out of the ribs;

3. The blood water in the ribs is boiled out, and the ribs are taken out and washed.

4. The oil in the pot is hot. First, choose rock sugar to fry sugar color. The rock sugar is bright red. It’s best to break it before you fry it. Fry the sugar over low heat until the rock sugar is completely melted. Heat the oil in a separate pan and stir the chopped ginger and dried chillies until fragrant. Add the blanched ribs and stir fry with the sugar;

5. Add cooking wine, which can remove the fishy smell and better help the ribs taste;

6. Fry the ribs until they are firm, then add dark soy sauce to moisten them.

7. Add light soy sauce for flavor;

8. Add garlic. After evenly coloring the surface of the ribs, pour boiling water into the ribs, boil until the soup is open, cover the pot and turn the heat to simmer for 40 minutes;

9. Add 1 TBSP bean paste;

10. The taste is very fresh and the right amount is fresh.

11. The pot of soup boiled until there is a third of salt;

12. Add water starch to thicken, let it increase the consistency and taste more delicious. Then mix well with a spatula, sprinkle in pepper and serve. After all this, I’m sure you’re swallowing. The meat is tender, the taste is crispy, salty and sweet, a delicious sauce braised spare ribs is ready.

Cumin Taro Cheese Shrimp

Ingredients: 10 taro, 2 cheese slices, 3 prawns

Ingredients: 1 TSP salt, appropriate amount of scallion, appropriate amount of cumin powder, 2 TBSP salad oil, 1 TBSP cooking wine, 1 TSP sugar


1. Wash and peel the taro. Cut it in half and steam it. This little taro is cooked in about ten minutes;

2. Cut off shrimp gun, shrimp beard, open back, sand line sand bag. Put the back under, leave the belly and don’t cut it off. Give it a little chop with a knife. Wipe cooking wine to go fishy;

3. Pour some salad oil, any cooking oil, into a bowl. Add salt, sugar, cumin, and maybe a little more pepper, to taste. Agitate evenly;

4. Put the steamed taro on the baking tray. Take the brush and apply the salad dressing to the taro and shrimp. Let it marinate for about five minutes;

5. Cut one slice of cheese into strips, dice another slice of cheese, and chop the taro together.

6. Arrange the cheese strips on top of the taro. Shredded taro with cheese stuffed on shrimp;

7. Set out the plate and preheat the oven;

8.180 degrees Celsius, upper and lower heat, medium, 15 to 20 minutes. It depends on the individual oven. Sprinkle some scallions in the last few minutes.

Kimchi cake


1. Prepare the required ingredients, don’t like the taste of coriander can omit;

2. Cut bacon, spicy cabbage, coriander and spring onion into small dice and mix them for use; cut garlic into small dice and put them together for use;

3 in the basin sieve into the flour, it is recommended to sieve, not sieve easy to face bumps;

4. Try to add water slowly, stirring in one direction until a thick paste;

5. Add another egg and continue to beat well;

6. Put the pot into the mold. Drop a little oil into the mold. Spoon a spoonful of batter to fill the mold, can be appropriate with a spoon to press, spread until golden brown on both sides can serve.


1. Only when batter is filled around the mold, the shape will be rounded.

2. If the batter is runny, add more noodles. When dry, add more water.

3. Raw materials can be freely matched, such as ham, mushroom, mushroom are good choices.

Rice with seaweed


1. First break the egg, add a little salt, spread the egg skin in a pan, cut into strips;

2. Cut ham, carrot and cucumber into thin strips and blanch them with water (add a little salt and monosodium glutamate in the water when blanching).

3. Put the rice in a container, add the mixed sushi vinegar, mix well and set aside;

4. Spread a piece of plastic wrap (available specially rolled sushi bamboo curtain), spread the rice evenly on it, flatten it with a spoon, paste a piece of seaweed, upside down, and then tear off the plastic wrap;

5. Then add shredded chicken, carrot, cucumber, egg skin, ham in turn, slowly roll up, be sure to roll tightly.

6. Cut 1.5cm pieces with a knife and plate them.

Korean fried rice cake


1. Heat an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, onion and garlic until fragrant;

2. Bring 1 cup of water to a boil.

3. Boil in Korean sweet and hot sauce;

4. Put the rice cake into the boil, heat up the juice;

5. Plate and eat.

Korean pumpkin porridge


1. Wash the pumpkin and remove the seeds. Put the skin into the steamer and steam it for about 15 minutes (boil the water in the steamer before adding the pumpkin).

2. Let the steamed pumpkin cool and scoop out the flesh with a spoon;

3. The melon meat with pure water into the blender beat (700 grams of the size of the pumpkin with 600 ml mixer is almost three times can fix);

4. Pour the pumpkin paste into the pot. Boil for 10 minutes and then turn to medium heat.

5. Boil glutinous rice flour with cold water and add it to the pot for 5 minutes. (At this time, keep stirring with a soup spoon to prevent glutinous rice flour from sticking to the bottom);

6. Add rock sugar, wolfberry, turn down the heat;

7. Cook small balls in another pot, then add them to the pumpkin porridge and stir well with a little salt.

Korean Kimchi fried rice


1. Heat the oil in a wok, then pour the leftovers into it.

2. Add a little water to the rice, and then use the shovel to divide the rice into a grain, stir fry evenly;

3. Add kimchi and a little kimchi water and stir until the rice turns an appetizing red color

4. Add the appropriate amount of salt before the pot, stir fry well, you can start to eat;

5. Fry an egg and put it on the rice. When eating, chop the egg with a spoon and mix it with the rice.


1. Overnight rice makes the best fried rice, although I don’t know why…

2. Rice may become hard and sticky overnight. This time, add some water and slowly press open with a stir-fry shovel

3. The amount of kimchi and salt should be what you like

4. Fried eggs can be fried or not, on both sides and sunny side up, but the most authentic is sunny side up



1. Then we are the first to peel off the outermost 2 ~ 3 leaves (left for it), cut the cabbage, is from the head above the start to cut, do not cut in the end, cut a third of the place, with the hand to peel off (peeling benefits: follow the fiber to tear, pickling more easily into the flavor);

2. Then pickle cabbage, do not wash before pickle cabbage, start from the heart of the cabbage, leaf by leaf to uncover it, with salt evenly spread in the cabbage roots (cabbage leaves do not need to sprinkle salt, pickling water, out of the brine is just pickled leaves. The leaves are tender, and the stalks are the last.)

3. Our cabbage is salted so that it can’t be salted. In this way, all the saltiness will fall off. Lie in this way for about 8 hours, let the cabbage dehydrated and softened, and then pickle out of brine, to wash the cabbage, dry water control for use;

4. Then make the batter, add a little flour into the pot with cold water, heat it up, stir it continuously until the batter is mature, cool it down and then use it;

5. Wash and scrape the skin off ginger, cut into pieces and set aside;

6. Pear (apple can also) peel, rub into mushrooms for use;

7. Cut carrot and white radish into thin shreds respectively for use;

8. Make chili powder into chili paste with warm water, cool and set aside;

9. Then put the cooled batter, chopped ginger, shredded pear, shredded carrot, shredded daikon and cooled chili paste into a stainless steel basin. At last, add the key raw materials “Korean chili sauce”, salt and mushroom essence and mix them well.

10. Then evenly apply the seasoning in step (9) to each piece of Chinese cabbage, then wrap the basin with plastic wrap, put it out of the sun, ferment and pickle it for two days before it is ready to eat.

Spicy cabbage and tofu soup


1. Cut the spicy cabbage into small pieces, slice the tofu and pour out;

2. Heat a little oil in a wok, add spicy cabbage and fry until fragrant;

3. Add hot sauce and stir fry;

4. Add water and bring to a boil.

5. Add tofu and enoki mushrooms;

6. After cooking, add salt to taste, sprinkle green pepper ring from the heat out of the pot ~


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